Tell us about yourself and what you do at the Little Beauty Market...
Hello, I'm Deira Nebauer, a Melbourne-based emerging artist, who has found a passion for visual arts in recent years. Before falling in love with painting, I worked as a performing artist, teacher, and photographer in Australia and the USA with each experience influencing my artistic practice.
Painting still life, landscapes and 'snap-shots', the subjects I choose to create are focused through the lens of nostalgia, to explore the delightful and often forgotten in-between moments of life. I constantly strive to create work that is sustainable and ethical.
When did you first know you wanted to be creative?
Creativity found me. As a kid, I struggled with writing (I never got my pen licence), so I had to decorate my assignments with elaborate illustrations and glitter to distract my teachers. Now that I'm a grown-up I use my pen without a licence and accept that artistic endeavours are more interesting than tidy handwriting.
Describe your perfect day...
Hiking with my family through a mountainous trail in winter, stopping to sip tea from a thermos and sketching all that I see.
What is your best ever creative moment?
Saying 'yes!' when my kiddo wanted to help me with a painting that I had been struggling with for a week. I was getting stuck in detail, then she splashed the canvas with a giant purple bird and a dripping rainbow. That's when I learned the value of big, bold, colourful strokes made without fear or judgement. Thanks Kid.
Describe a lesson you learnt from a creative failure...
If the process of creating isn't equal parts fun and challenging then the final piece will be a dull bore.
What's the scariest movie you have ever seen?
Rosemary's Baby
What’s the best advice anyone ever gave you?
Don't watch Rosemary's Baby while pregnant (I did not takethat advice and I regret it)
What's your favourite tunes to get you in the creative mood?
Mt St. Helens - Bill Wurtz
Happy Birthday Helen - Things of Stone and Wood
Accidentally Kelly St. - Frente
Where's the Love - Hanson
The Sound - 1975
What do you love most about LBM?
I love seeing my home town of Frankston alive and buzzing with people, good food and creativity.
Where do you see your business in the next 5 years?
A beautiful sun-lit studio where I can create, and invite in the community for workshops to share my love for art, learning, and creative fun.
Thanks so much Deira for this awesome insight into In Clover Art! To be part of the competition (being draw Friday 27th October!) head to our social media pages @littlebeautymarket - Good luck!